What can you do as a member?
Our members receive special discounts on our Campus Fire Safety Forum, as well as training sponsored by our partners. • Regular & Associate Members can vote.
• All members can create/maintain a member profile on this website.
• Search and network with other members. • Send us job opportunities to post. • Participate in our online Town Hall Discussion Forums. • Post news or product/service information for members to see.
• Share Best Practices and Information with others.
• Review technology specific to our mission.
• Attend Webinars Free with free access to our Webinar Library via Webinars on Demand
You qualify if you have responsibility for fire safety programs, policy and/or practices on a college or university, or you are in the fire service or you are a governmental person who has an interest in, or responsible for, fire safety programs on or with a college or university. Regular members, who maintain current dues-paying status, shall be entitled to hold elective office, serve on the board of directors and vote on all matters requiring a vote of the general membership. (Cost is $50. annually or Choose the multi-year membership @ $120. every three years). ASSOCIATE: You are interested in the goals and objectives of the Center, but are not eligible for Regular membership. You are not a business, corporation, organization or representative of same. This membership has all the benefits of Regular Membership, except that Associate Members are not eligible to hold the office of President, Vice-President or Secretary/Treasurer. Note: Associate membership is not available to any size business, corporations, organizations or their representatives. (Cost is $50. annually). AFFILIATE: You are a person representing a for-profit business, corporation or organization/association interested in the affairs of The Center but who are not eligible for a Regular or Associate membership. This membership does not include voting rights or the ability to hold an elective office. (Cost is $325. annually).
You are a student enrolled at least half-time in an accredited institute of higher education as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to grant degrees. You are interested in the goals and objectives of The Center and shall not otherwise be eligible for Regular membership. Student members shall have all the benefits of Regular membership, except they are not eligible to hold the office of President, Vice-President or Secretary/Treasurer. (Cost is $20. annually).
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