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Campus Fire Data

Campus Fire Data provides a launching point for a nationwide campus fire reporting program and will start a more accurate and defined portrayal of fire as it affects colleges and universities in the United States.

As there has yet to be a true study done on these numbers, we will pioneer the effort with the support and expertise of several partners with a common mission of fire and life safety on campuses such as the National Fire Protection Association.

The Center for Campus Fire Safety received funding from the Department of Homeland Security to start collecting fire data for campuses across the country.  The Center focused on creating the tools necessary to start collection of the data and at the same time look at the requirements the Department of Education would have as far as collecting data about fires that will be required under the Campus Fire Safety Right to Know Act.

We invite colleges and universities to participate as well as fire departments that serve colleges and universities. Your participation in this program will help us better identify the problems campuses face related to fire on campus. From this data, The Center is able to create new training programs that will help you mitigate the risk of fire on your campus.

The Center's Data Collection Project is underwritten by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)

For more information, visit www.campusfiredata.org