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Fire Smart Campus (Formally FireWise Campus)


Fire Smart Campus Training

If you are a Campus Fire Safety Educator, accountable for fire safety at colleges, universities and the communities where the colleges are located - you'll want to learn more!

Fire Smart Campus
(formally known as FireWise Campus) is a training program originally developed by a team of fire safety professionals working with the The Center for Campus Fire Safety and Underwriters Laboratories.  This is an instructor led training program targeting those who are accountable for Fire Safety at colleges and universities.

The program is taught by experts with a passion for the cause of Campus Fire Safety and includes the following:
  • Best practices
  • A roadmap for creating a successful Campus Fire Safety Program
  • Facilitated exercises for addressing common issues and obstacles to achieving a fire safe campus
  • A toolkit of 90 items for addressing various issues
  • Methods for getting essential audiences such as administrators, parents resident
    assistants, landlords and students involved in the cause
  • An exercise for evaluating and targeting a successful Campus Fire Safety program at your college or university



FireSmart Training on Demand

Bring Fire Smart Training to your campus!

The Center will conduct Fire Smart training in your location! This is typically a 1 1/2 day training program, but can be customized to 1 day if preferable.  If you have local staff and community officials that would like to attend this training, simply contact our Support Team.

They will work with you to set up an advertising plan, and also automatic registration for the event.  We'll arrange the speaker, presentation, ships all the handouts and DVD Sets, etc.  You would simply arrange the facility, guest list and any meals/breaks required.

There is no cost for the marketing, promotional or administrative support provided by The Center for Campus Fire Safety..

Your Budgetary Cost?

  • The Instructor's Travel Expense.  Simply reimburse our instructors travel and lodging expenses at actual cost.  We have several authorized trainers throughout the country which will help minimize the cost of travel.
  • Instructor's fee, typically $1000. per day. or $1500. for 1 1/2 days.
  • Student Handouts and Materials, typically $50. per student.

Handouts include a complete set of 5 DVD's along with a multi-page training manual.

More Info - Contact SupportTeam@campusfiresafety.org